Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lost... And never found?

Have you ever rushed through life, pushing, straining towards a goal?
Everyone has…
Then think nuclear…
A nuclear bomb dropping on you…
A dream, destroyed…
So what can you do…
Let me question you, a simple question that might give you insight…
Consider one’s heart as another being…
Let’s say you have a loved one, you give your heart to…
And that one takes it, how do you feel?
Then suddenly that being starts playing basketball with it, except they never pick it back up?
How would you feel?
Even if u ever retrieve it, will you ever be the same again?
Amidst everything a broken heart will never be healed…
A heartless you will become just like me…
Enslaved to your own heart?
Powerless to even fight it?
How now?
Will God ever heel you?
To tell you the truth…
I don’t know…
Sometimes I even doubt myself…
I realize that having a relationship with God relies on total trust…
But can it be done…
Think of it, you scream out and it seems like no one hears you…
You fall and no one picks you up…
You bleed but no one staunches your wounds…
You cry but no one dries yr falling tears…
All hope is lost in a dark world
But as you try to stand up you fall again…
How can you ever be whole…?

I cry out to Jesus now to make me whole…
But even in my mind I still doubt…
Will it ever be the same…
I ponder this as my troubles drown me in a sea of swirling and endless darkness…
Will I ever get out?
Jesus hear my thoughts…
Will you carry me through the sand with you?

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