Monday, November 26, 2007

'The Valley of Shadow and Death'

A lifetime to build, a second to destroy…
Sometimes things in life are so ironic…
Maybe its human nature to break trust…
But I’m sure its not what God meant us to be…
Because time and time again he has given us his trust and he never lets us down….
As the perfect example…
There are times in your life when things feel out of control…
Like mine right now…
Like my post ‘knife in the dark’…
Sometimes the hurt from betrayal of trust maybe to great to bear for us…
But take heart like I have..
As I was praying last night a deep revelation swept pass me…
No matter how hurt or broken we are, God will stick with us…
He can guide us through…
Giving us someone to trust and depend on…
No matter what you have done he will still be there…
He will never turn away from us…
I felt an inner peace knowing his presence is always with me…
Even in troubled times like now you can feel his pillar of strength supporting you…

A song I remembered from old times last night…
‘Valley of Shadow and Death’
As I walk through the valley of shadow and death…
I will fear no evil…
For you with me…
Your light and your strength…
They comfort me…

Knowing this truth I now set out, no matter how broken to defeat the enemy…
With God on my side who shall stand…
My friends with me and God…
We will claim the victory…
Eternal life…

~ComForTed iN GoD~

‘Footprints In The Sand’

Hey readers…
Today wasn’t a very good day…
I mean relationships, sometimes you wonder if you actually have one?
Are all your relationships fake?
Sometimes I wonder…
That sincerity…
That caring and loving…
That certain emotion portrayed…
Could it be all a drama written on script?
Could it be a wolfs in sheep’s clothing?
Sometimes I wonder…
When your world is upside down…
Your emotions tumbling around in turmoil…
Chaos reigns…
What do you do then?
Then I realized…
In the chaos and turmoil, you can actually come to a standstill in God’s presence…
That’s when all sincerity, love, kindness, grace becomes real to you…
For God never lies…
And neither does he ever abandon you…

I had a dream…
‘Footprints In The Sand’
I was walking on the beach, my heart weighed down by troubles and emotions raged…
I cried out to the Lord, why Lord am I alone…
The footprints in the sand…
How come there is only one pair?
Have you given up?
Have you abandoned me?
And I knelt down in pain and hurt…
Suddenly his voice called out to me, my son…
My faithful son, I have never abandoned you as I never do with my children…
The footprints in the sand…
The one pair you saw…
It was not yours but mine…
Because in your pain and hurt you were going through, I have felt them my son…
So in those troubled times when you felt alone…
It was I who carried you through…
Then I realized…
There is always someone out there for me..
My sole protector…
I’m never alone in this fight…
Jesus, my friend, my dad…
Thank you for always being there for me…
In my lifetime..
A place where I can call home…

~WalKing WitH JeSuS~

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Running The Race

Yo! I’m back!
So today was the second day of VBS ( Vacation Bible School )…
Well all went well with the athletes performing really well…
One has to be really watching these bunch of kids with their toilet needs and hungry stomachs with some hyperactive juice in them…
I mean they are like full blown steam with no fuel needed…
So anyway they all ‘graduated’ with certificates handed out to them…
We trainers should get a certificate too!
And it should be saying ‘We SURVIVED VBS!’
But all in all it was a rewarding and enriching experience to interact with them and helping them through stuff…
There was this sweet little girl who actually said I was nice!
Maybe something’s wrong here..
Well, anyway…
I watched these kids running around from one station to another and they were really enthusiastic about learning about God and how to be a true hero…
And I must say they really did learn with all their heart, soul and mind…

Most people would think we are to old…
That we can’t learn from kids anymore..
But those who do are completely wrong…
We can!
I also have trained kids and learned techniques from them…
Values they stand for…
You watch them you begin to wonder…
Where has all the spark in my life gone…
Where has the enthusiasm and passion towards serving and worshiping God gone?
So I realized that we have to altogether be cleansed and give ourselves completely to God…
Trust him to work things out…
I mean basically we SHOULD be doing this…
But I think there comes a time in your walk with God that you tend to stray…
Troubled times where darkness consumes everything..
So for me VBS 07 has not only been me helping kids but kids helping me as well…
Learning and growing with each step they take…
I pray that these kids would someday grow to be strong men and women in the body of Christ…
Serving him with love and passion…
Well, VBS 07 was a time of reflection for me…
So I pray that God will send people or events my way to help me grow and be more like him…
As I run this race of my life…
Hebrews 12:1-2 : Run with endurance the race that lies before you, keeping your eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of your faith…

~ RunNing ThE GReaT race ~

Friday, November 23, 2007

A Step Back Into The Past...

Well, today was VBS ( Vacation Bible School )…
And I have only one question…
Where do kids get their energy from…?
They are like so hyper…
Anyway, after the hectic events of the day I managed to sit back and relax…
Thinking and pondering over the recent events…
Then I realized something that made me feel really…
Well you know that feeling…
These kids are so young that troubles have not overtaken them…
To them the worst trouble was that their best friend took something from them…
5 minutes later they kiss and make up..
Well maybe not the kiss part…
But my point is when did I as a teen start having so many troubles?
Maybe I went looking for them…
But maybe its part of growing up…
Watching these kids play and having fun made me realize that occasionally, we do have to slow down and forget our troubles for a moment…
These kids were really excited when it came to learning about God…
They could memorize a verse or two in about a minute…

I wondered how could it be so simple…
Then this wondering thought hit me, they have nothing much except that particular task on their minds…
Think about it…
When most of us have our devotions, usually as we talk to God and spend time with him we tend to pour out of troubles…
But as we are doing that we start to think a lot…
About the problems and solutions to them…
In a split second, your mind has strayed away from God…
So I realized that we also have to follow these kid’s examples…
Realizing that God can handle all our problems…
No matter how big or small or how many there are…
Sometimes we older people can learn a lot from the younger ones whose minds are still innocent…
So maybe we sometimes have to take a step back into the past…
Reflect and ponder the deeper meaning of things…
And realizing what God has in store for us…
So be ready to trust God and take that faithful step back into the past…

~ StePPIng closer To EterNiTY ~

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What If...?

Well, another day another idea…
Have any of u ever wondered what if I had done this when I should…?
Would it have made a difference?
Actually I have been pondering my thoughts and this thought came to me…
What if?
What if you had been faster?
Would she still be alive?
What if you had been a little better?
Could you have won?
All this I wondered…
Then reality hit me…
Yes it could have made a difference…
But without God, it would not have mattered…
Lets put it this way, God is THE player or person you want on yourside…
You can never go against him…
Believe me, I have tried…
And time and time again, I fell to my knees…

So then I realized it finally what valuable lesson God had been trying to show me…
That he wants to be on your side…
The question is will u allow him in?
Will u allow Him to take control of your life?
My answer now is yes…
So I challenge all readers of this post,
Will YOU allow HIM to CHANGE and take over YOUR life?
So another step and piece of the never ending puzzle is there,,,
Now for the next piece..
Taking life one step at a time…

~ EmbracinG DestiNY ~

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Knife In The Dark

Recently I have been through several hardships in Life…
So after going through all this I will ponder and think, why all these problems…
But the one thing that struck me is after fighting so many battles n wars, relationships hurt the worst…
I mean, as some of you know, a knife cutting you in reality hurts a lot…
But the ironic thing is that a knife thrown by a backstabber or best friend in a relationship hurts far worst…
I prefer calling it the emotional assassination…
And it seriously kills you…
You feel torn out…
But my question is here, can it ever heal?
Maybe so, but it will never leave without a mark…
Maybe we really need to trust God to work things through…
But can we actually come to a point of total trust with God…?
That’s the goal I’m striving toward…

Knowing God and completely trusting him is a goal all Christians should strive through..
Maybe my life has been to fast paced…
Living life always in the fast lane…
I think we sometimes need to slow down and relax…
Listen to God’s voice…
Like the verse goes… ‘ be still and know I’m the lord’..
So I guess that is something we should do once in a while…
I mean u can’t actually here God’s voice when you’re running around finishing a hectic schedule…
So slow down once in awhile ad listen to his voice..
I know that’s what I’m gonna do…

~ EmbRaCinG GoD’s CalliNG~

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Ultimate Revival!

My ultimate blog revival…
At first I was skeptical at blogging but lately the turn of events have changed my mind..
Just going through life has thought me valuable lessons God has sent my way, so I figured.. Well I need some way to share my thoughts…
Hence, the ultimate blog revival…
So from now on I will be blogging regularly so..
Watch out 4 the next post!
Happy reading…
Oh ya, comment on my posts if you have any thoughts…
I would love feedbacks n different views…
Thanks n God bless!